Holly Jean Mullen

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Permission with Thanksgiving

PSA: You can have mashed potatoes AND apple pie today, even if you didn't run a Turkey Trot.

You are allowed and you DO NOT need permission.

There are 365 days in a year, this is just one of them. You can eat mashed potatoes or apple pie or, whatever else is your favorite Thanksgiving food, on any day of the year.

As someone with my own struggles of disordered eating, I know first hand, how it is to view foods from a scarcity mindset. If you also struggle in this area (first, hugs - I feel you) please know that you do not need to "take advantage" of the food while it is in front of you. You don't need to feel like this is your one chance to get in all the good stuff before it is gone.

Please, also know that you don't have to "earn" your food. I can tell you all the ways in which years of Weight Watchers did more harm than good for my psyche with banking points. If you need a recipe for binge eating and a guilt/shame spiral cycle, that program has perfected it.

I've come a long way in healing my relationship with food and I have immense gratitude for that. My best advice, as someone who has been there and is progressively healing, is to give thanks to your body today by blessing it with the things that nourish you. Nourishment can come in the form of love, warmth, connection, relaxation, touch, and, of course, food and, yes, even Grandma's homemade pie.

You have permission today, and every day, to nourish your body. No guilt or shame attached.